Messages from space

Messages from space

Martian meteorite ALH84001 • NASA/JSC (Public Domain)

Originally published 10 June 1996

How do we gath­er the stuff of the uni­verse for study here on Earth?

The Star Trek method: Go where no one has gone before. Apol­lo astro­nauts brought back buck­ets of rocks from the moon. Three Sovi­et unmanned Luna mis­sions also returned lunar rocks to Earth. The method is expen­sive, which explains why no round-trip mis­sions to the moon or plan­ets have been launched in the past 20 years.

The cheap­er method: Let the uni­verse come to us.

Each year, tens of thou­sands of tons of mete­oric mate­r­i­al fall upon the Earth from space. Most of this mate­r­i­al is in the form of small par­ti­cles that burn up in the upper atmos­phere. Occa­sion­al­ly a mete­orite arrives that is big enough to blast a huge crater and cause mass extinctions.

Most inter­est­ing from the sci­en­tif­ic point of view are those mete­orites that are large enough to sur­vive the plunge through the atmos­phere, but not large enough to be dev­as­tat­ing. These col­lectibles from the sky are mes­sen­gers from the world beyond.

Not so long ago, it was thought that all mete­orites had their ori­gin in the aster­oid belt, the band of small bod­ies that orbit the sun between Mars and Jupiter. It was imag­ined that col­li­sions between aster­oids scat­ter frag­ments into tra­jec­to­ries that even­tu­al­ly bring them to Earth.

In recent years, how­ev­er, it has become clear that our plan­et is also bom­bard­ed by pieces of the moon and Mars, blast­ed from the sur­faces of those bod­ies by the impacts of asteroids.

The best place to col­lect these pur­port­ed chunks of oth­er worlds is on the Antarc­tic ice cap. Objects that fall onto the accu­mu­lat­ing glac­i­er are car­ried with the mov­ing ice to places where fierce winds blow away the ice, gath­er­ing a mil­lion year’s worth of mete­orites for easy pick­ing. Among the thou­sands of mete­orites that have been col­lect­ed in Antarc­ti­ca, a few dozen have been iden­ti­fied as com­ing from the moon or Mars.

The moon rocks are easy to iden­ti­fy by com­par­ing them with Apol­lo and Luna sam­ples. The Mar­t­ian mete­orites are more prob­lem­at­ic, but gas­es trapped with­in one of these objects almost per­fect­ly match­es the com­po­si­tion of the Mar­t­ian atmos­phere, as deter­mined by the Viking Lan­der mis­sions to Mars.

Like Apol­lo and Luna moon rocks, Mar­t­ian mete­orites reveal the his­to­ry of their par­ent plan­et. For exam­ple, water con­tained in Mar­t­ian mete­orites sug­gests that Mars may once have had an ocean or a water-rich atmos­phere. Car­bon­ates and organ­ic mol­e­cules found in a 4‑bil­lion-year-old Mar­t­ian mete­orite known as ALH84001 hint at the kind of con­di­tions on Mars that gave rise to life on the ear­ly Earth.

How do rocks eject­ed from the moon or Mars and make their way to Earth? In a recent issue of the jour­nal Nature, a group of sci­en­tists from Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty, Queen’s Uni­ver­si­ty in Ontario and the South­west Research Insti­tute in Col­orado describe com­put­er sim­u­la­tions that trace the flight of impact ejec­ta over mil­lions of years, from their place of ori­gin, to their final col­li­sion with our planet.

It appears that mate­r­i­al from the moon and Mars can eas­i­ly make their way to Earth. A small num­ber of mete­orites from Mer­cury would also appear to be expect­ed, although none has been iden­ti­fied. The greater grav­i­ty of Venus makes that plan­et a less like­ly source of escaped material.

Inter­est­ing­ly, the flight time of mete­orites between ejec­tion from their source body and arrival on Earth can be esti­mat­ed by mea­sur­ing their expo­sure to high-ener­gy cos­mic rays in space, which caus­es radioac­tive iso­topes to accu­mu­late in the mete­orite. The mea­sured flight times of actu­al mete­orites is con­sis­tent with the com­put­er simulations.

Anoth­er recent arti­cle in Nature by Aus­tralian and New Zealand astronomers describes celes­tial vis­i­tors of an even more exot­ic origin.

These astronomers used a sen­si­tive radar to track the faint mete­ors (“shoot­ing stars”) pro­duced by dust grains hit­ting the Earth­’s atmos­phere. A small frac­tion of these mete­ors have veloc­i­ties too great to have orig­i­nat­ed any­where with­in the Solar Sys­tem. They must there­fore come from inter­stel­lar space.

The incom­ing tra­jec­to­ries of these mete­ors sug­gest that many of them come from two near­by groups of hot stars. How these stars spew dust into space is not yet known.

The study of mete­ors and mete­orites is a clas­sic exam­ple of the pow­er of the sci­en­tif­ic way of know­ing, involv­ing the col­lab­o­ra­tion of astronomers, chemists, physi­cists, geol­o­gists, and com­put­er sci­en­tists. What is impor­tant is that these diverse lines of inves­ti­ga­tion are con­sis­tent and mutu­al­ly rein­forc­ing. In this way, the human mind reli­ably extends itself into the realm of the stars with­out ever leav­ing the Earth.

The turn-of-the-cen­tu­ry nat­u­ral­ist John Bur­roughs felt no need to trav­el; soon­er or lat­er, he said, the turn­ing Earth brought every­thing by his door. The same appar­ent­ly applies to those sci­en­tists who study the stuff of the cosmos.

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