Image of a spiral-shaped plant tendril

The tendril of a cucumber plant • Photo by Robert Reisman (CC BY 3.0)

Image of white lily flowers in bloom

Photo by Serafima Lazarenko on Unsplash

Image of a ruined classical greek building atop a hill

Photo by Black Iris Visuals on Unsplash

Image of a large assortment of red and pink roses

Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

Image of an urban garden park with tall modern structures within it

Gardens by the Bay, an urban nature park, Singapore • Photo by Daniel Welsh on Unsplash

Close-up image of a mosquito feeding on a human

Anopheles funestus • Photo by James Gathany, Dr. Frank Collins, University of Notre Dame (Public Domain)

Image of water crashing on rocks in golden sunlight

Photo by Mark de Jong on Unsplash

Image of a comet glowing in the night sky

Photo by Samuel PASTEUR-FOSSE on Unsplash

Group historical photo of a smiling Wernher von Braun together with other uniformed Nazis.

Wernher von Braun (center) with other Nazis at Peenemünde • Deutsches Bundesarchiv (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Astronomical photograph of hundreds of galaxies in space

A portion of the Ultra Deep Field • NASA/ESA (Public Domain)