This is the sad saga of an American roadway.
Articles from April 2021
Language diversity is languishing
In prehistoric times there were 10,000 languages spoken in the world. No kidding. Ten thousand. Maybe more.
America’s not-so-natural wonders
Natural and artificial are increasingly difficult to distinguish.
We’ll always be stuck in the middle
“You’re searching, Joe, for things that don’t exist.”
The day the elephants had had enough
“Elephants always remember,” Peter Finch says to Elizabeth Taylor in the 1954 film Elephant Walk.
Anna Logue: Unplugged and unabashed
I knew the moment I touched the doorbell that this interview was going to be different.
The real battle over creationism
Here’s a statistic that may surprise you. According to a 1993 Gallup poll, 47 percent of all Americans believe that God created human beings pretty much in their present form sometime during the past 10,000 years.
The ways of a crow — that’s calculus in motion
A crow in a snowy dawn. It hopped into the air, imprinting the snow with its black-fingered wings.
Why is all this sex necessary anyway?
“What’s the story of love?” I posed the question to Dr. Henry Testosterone, noted evolutionary biologist.
In the beginning, there were fingers and toes
Itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out…