Image of human anatomy model

Photo by David Matos on Unsplash

Heads and tails and ESP

Few sub­jects so rat­tle the equi­lib­ri­um of the sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty as ESP — extrasen­so­ry per­cep­tion — espe­cial­ly when it comes tricked out in the garb of sci­ence. When the New York Times Mag­a­zine pub­lished a sto­ry on the work of Prince­ton ESP researcher Robert Jahn, one could almost hear the col­lec­tive groan rise from the ivy-cov­ered build­ing of that New Jer­sey cam­pus. This is the kind of research that most sci­en­tists would pre­fer to have at some­one else’s institution.