Image of Tunnel of Eupalinos

The ancient Tunnel of Eupalinos • Photo by Tomisti (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Image of garnet crystal

Garnet lherzolite • James St. John (CC BY 2.0)

A sliver full of history

In an essay pub­lished after her death, nov­el­ist Vir­ginia Woolf wrote about spe­cial “moments of being” that some­times inter­rupt the gray, non­de­script “cot­ton wool” of every­day life. One of those moments occurred as she was look­ing at a flower in a gar­den at St. Ives, in Eng­land. It was an ordi­nary plant with a spread of green leaves. She looked at the flower and said, “That is the whole.”

Image of cows

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Image of female lab technician working while man looks on

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Closeup image of an ant

Photo by Egor Kamelev from Pexels

Image of Venus of Galgenberg

The Venus of Galgenberg • Photo by Don Hitchcock (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Ice Age Venus

From Aus­tria comes word of one of the world’s ear­li­est known sculp­tures, a female fig­urine, exca­vat­ed from Ice Age sed­i­ments at Gal­gen­berg, near Krems. This delight­ful arti­fact is about 3 inch­es tall and is carved from green ser­pen­tine stone. It has been dubbed the Danc­ing Venus of Galgenberg.

Image of solar-powered calculator

The TI-36 Solar pocket calculator • Photo by Juhox (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Image of coral reef

Acropora palmata • Photo by Tisquesusa (CC BY 4.0)

Image of night sky in desert

Photo by Tim de Groot on Unsplash

Universal peace

For­get for the moment that the actu­al year of Christ’s birth was prob­a­bly some­time between 7 BC, when Augus­tus ordered a cen­sus of Judea, and 4 BC, when Herod died. For­get that the sea­son of birth may have been spring, when shep­herds watched their new­born lambs by night. Let’s focus on the tra­di­tion­al place and time, Beth­le­hem in Galilee, on the night of Decem­ber 24 – 25 in the year 1 BC (as his­to­ri­ans reckon).

Image of science toy

Vintage Capsela construction toy from Japan • Photo by Adrian J. Hunter (CC BY-SA 3.0)