Image of trees

Photo by natsuki on Unsplash

Image of a sea squirt

Our cousin, the sea squirt • Photo by Peter Southwood (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Our cousin the sea squirt

I have a friend, a marine biol­o­gist, who haunts the beach­es, salt-water marsh­es, and tide pools of the New Eng­land shore col­lect­ing the gifts of the sea. Now and then she will find some­thing spe­cial that she shares with me. This past week­end she pre­sent­ed me with one of the biggest and finest sea squirts she had ever found washed ashore.

Image of The Thinker

The Thinker by Rodin • Photo by Ed Menendez (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The brain machine

It has been less than 50 years since Ernest Lawrence was award­ed the Nobel Prize in physics for his inven­tion of the cyclotron. Lawrence’s first par­ti­cle accel­er­at­ing machine was four inch­es in diam­e­ter and con­struct­ed from win­dow pane, brass plate, and seal­ing wax. It was the sort of thing any clever fel­low could build in his basement.